Thank you for attending my session on using data visualization to analyze business data. You'll find all the resources you need right here.
Please download and install Tableau:
We'll be using the built in data set called Superstore - English (extract)
If you'd like to explore additional data sets afterwards, here are a few:
Bank Failures during the economic downturn of 2008: bank_failures.xlsx
Airplane bird-strikes: birdstrikes.xlsx
Cellphone subscriptions worldwide from World Bank Data:cellphone_subscriptions_-_world_bank.xlsx
School Enrollment and test scores for schools in Washington, Oregon and California: enrollment.xlsx
Movie productions including cost: movies.xlsx
Unemployment correlations for US states: unemployment_correlations.xlsxunemployment_correlations.xlsx
US Foreign Aid provided to the world by program type and year: us_foreign_aid.xls
US Jobs by state and employment type: us_jobs_2001-2011.xlsx
World Bank indicators for countries in the last decade: world_bank_indicators.xlsx
Here is the presentation deck for your reference: dataweek_-_analyzing_data.pptx
If you have any questions or would like to reach out to me after the session,
please do so at: OR @mikeklacy on Twitter.