DataWeek'14 - Bootcamp: DataVisualization and Discovery for Better Business Decisions

Thank you for attending my session on using data visualization to analyze business data. You'll find all the resources you need right here.

Please download and install Tableau:

We'll be using the built in data set called Superstore - English (extract)

If you'd like to explore additional data sets afterwards, here are a few:

Bank Failures during the economic downturn of 2008: bank_failures.xlsx
Airplane bird-strikes: birdstrikes.xlsx
Cellphone subscriptions worldwide from World Bank Data:cellphone_subscriptions_-_world_bank.xlsx
School Enrollment and test scores for schools in Washington, Oregon and California: enrollment.xlsx
Movie productions including cost: movies.xlsx
Unemployment correlations for US states: unemployment_correlations.xlsxunemployment_correlations.xlsx
US Foreign Aid provided to the world by program type and year: us_foreign_aid.xls
US Jobs by state and employment type: us_jobs_2001-2011.xlsx
World Bank indicators for countries in the last decade: world_bank_indicators.xlsx

Here is the presentation deck for your reference: dataweek_-_analyzing_data.pptx
If you have any questions or would like to reach out to me after the session,
please do so at: OR @mikeklacy on Twitter.