Best of the Tableau Web: Collaboration time

Good day, everyone! I’m back with the latest round-up of Tableau blog content. This time, I’m looking at content from April 2020. What did I see? Plenty of posts about collaboration. While many of us around the world are in lockdown, virtual communication has become the norm for everyone—which, if you have time, actually improves the ability to get together with other people and work through ideas together. Kendra Allenspach and Keith Dykstra wrote Neat Lessons Learned from Messy Projects, an honest article about the highs and lows of collaboration. I appreciate their candour because all projects have their challenges. I was particularly impressed by how they shared their feelings and overcame the issues.

Klaus Schulte is a master at collaboration and last month he shared his “Dobble/Spot It” collaboration with Kevin Flerlage. Implementing complex game logic might not be the originally intended use case for Tableau, but it’s a powerful way to show the capabilities of the product, as well as a way to challenge one’s own skills. By the way, if gaming is your thing, this is just the latest in a long list of games made in Tableau. If you fancy a rabbit hole to get lost in, try these others: Minesweeper and Battleship by Josh Milligan, Super Mario by Merlijn Buit, Chess and Snake by Tamas Foldi, and Monopoly by Mark Jackson.
Perhaps working with others isn’t practical for your situation. You can still do collaborative projects by getting involved with some of the many community-run projects. Check out the Tableau Public resources page for a list of ways you can get involved. You can also become a member of the Tableau Foundation Service Corps to collaborate directly with non-profit organizations.
Whichever approach you take, I can guarantee that collaboration will enhance your Tableau skills.
As always, enjoy the list! Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn as I try and share many of these throughout the month. Also, you can check out which blogs I am following here. If you don’t see yours on the list, you can add it here.
Tips and tricks
Jeffrey Shaffer Five Solutions to Highlight an Entire Table Row in Tableau
Luke Stanke Ultimate Guide to Tables in Tableau, Part 4: Filtering
Sijia Wei Exploring the ‘show only relevant values’ option
Toan Hoang Tableau QT: KPI Text Indicator
Rosario Gauna Drill-Down & Up P&Ls in Tableau
Raphael Teufel Tableau Like a Pro: The Tableau Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet
Gwilym Lockwood Strings and Roundabouts, pt.2: dynamic decimals
Sijia Wei Correlation Matrix in Tableau – How do you hide the symmetric half?
Stefanie Niemzok Comparing Tableau’s New Relationships to Blends and Joins
Marc Reid Creating Two Colour Area Charts
Spencer Baucke Using Shapes in Tableau
Vikash Bhardwaj How to document in Tableau: Three top tips
Kendra Allenspach and Keith Dykstra Collaborating in Tableau: Neat Lessons Learned from Messy Projects, Part 2
Ken Flerlage Build a Social Distancing Floor Plan in Tableau
Sarah Bartlett Iron Quest – Quantified Self
Neil Richards How do you visualise an album?
Steve Wexler Should you use dashboards to tell stories or to find stories?
Kevin Flerlage Avoid the Current Month Drop-Off
Lindsay Betzendahl Details Matter: In healthcare, details may be the only thing that matters.
Tableau Prep
Jonathan Drummey Running Sum in Tableau Prep
Brittany Fong How to Use Tableau Prep to Combine Data at Different Levels
Formatting, design, and storytelling
Ivett Kovács Button design
Lindsay Betzendahl How to Create Halos Around Bar Charts
Set and parameter actions
Ryan Sleeper How to Do Better What-If Scenario Planning with Tableau Set Controls
Kevin Flerlage Set Control in 2020.2 – Three Main Configurations
Filippos Lymperopoulos Set Control: Default Trickery
Jeffrey Shaffer Data Densification Using Domain Completion and Domain Padding
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