Redefining the Role of IT in a Modern BI World

How IT can evolve from producer to enabler and foster collaboration around analytics

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As self-service analytics becomes the norm, the role of IT is evolving from a producer to a strategic partner. IT professionals are helping their organizations transition from a traditional top-down approach to analytics driven by IT to a self-service approach enabled by IT and led by the business. This change requires a new framework and overall strategy. Organizations must revisit past decisions supporting the core foundational components of a BI program—people, process, and platform—and make adjustments, as outlined in this paper.

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We really wanted a self-service model. The folks in IT really didn't want to be the report writers, nor should they be. From an IT perspective, we can put Tableau where it belongs, in the hands of the folks that use the data and know the data.

Additional Resources


Governed Self-service Analytics at Scale: An overview

Today’s organizations seek an approach to self-service analytics that balances the needs of both IT and the business. People in your organization are already using Excel and other tools to answer their questions. So how do you take charge and enable self-service analytics while also making sure the data is governed, trusted, and secure?


How to choose the right modern BI & analytics platform

This guide focuses on the platform evaluation and selection. It is intended for IT to use collaboratively with business users and analysts as they assess each platform’s ability to execute on the modern analytics workflow and address the diverse needs of users across the organization.

About Tableau

Tableau helps people transform data into actionable insights. Explore with limitless visual analytics. Build dashboards and perform ad hoc analyses in just a few clicks. Share your work with anyone and make an impact on your business. From global enterprises to early-stage startups and small businesses, people everywhere use Tableau to see and understand their data.

Featured In

Fast Company
Wallstreet Journal


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