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Tableau Server 2022.1.7

Vi rekommenderar att du använder den senaste underhållsversionen, som innehåller ytterligare korrigeringar.

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Efter maj 2023 publiceras inte längre åtgärdade fel här. De visas istället på

Tableau Server has been updated in alignment with security best practices. We encourage Tableau Server customers to update to the latest version here.

Lösta problem

Problem-id Beskrivning

A sheet would disappear on a parameter change of a filtered dimension.


Backup and restores can intermittently fail. Failure can be caused by either Postgres being in read-only mode or the inability to connect to Postgres.


"Unknown server error" could occur when running a flow with all steps grouped together with input from MS SQL Server and no data was generated in output to a Google BigQuery table.


A "User account not found" error would occur starting in 2022.1.3 with SAML enabled and the legacy mode disabled.


Part of a dashboard could become blank and an error would display after applying filters stating "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')".


It was not possible to authenticate against Azure when implementing Azure KMS via the "tsm security kms set-mode azure".


After an upgrade from 2020.3.6 to 2021.4.6, pdf exports with a view filter returned incorrect data when using the REST API intermittently.


An error could occur when changing the parameters in a dashboard stating "Unexpected Error. Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded."


Server Administrators were not receiving bell notifications for other users extract refresh failures.


When an http_request_id_seq exceeds 2,147,483,647, the error "integer out of range" would occur and the http_request table would not be updated.


Headers can retain font color when exporting to an Excel file format which can render the label to not be visible if a white font color was used.


Running "tsm maintenance cleanup -a" stopped users from being able to download or export content once the server was running again.


In mobile browsers, when the filter was reset, the view would update to default data but the filtered parameter drop-down menu option is not reverted back to the reset values.


A custom number format in an axis scale would sometimes not be used after publishing to Tableau Server.


When the "--multithreaded" parameter was used to create a new backup schedule, the parameter was being ignored.


When a worksheet was opened that used a published data source, hyperd.exe could consume 100% CPU usage.


Prep Flows actions can intermittently fail beginning with Tableau Server version 2022.1.4. Actions include creating a new flow, editing an existing flow, or running a published flow.

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Ons, 28 September, 2022

Installation Guide
Install and Configure Tableau Server

Planning to upgrade?
Tableau Server Upgrade Page