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Tableau Server Management Add-on 2022.1.1

Vi rekommenderar att du använder den senaste underhållsversionen, som innehåller ytterligare korrigeringar.

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Tableau Server Independent Gateway has been updated in alignment with security best practices. We encourage Tableau Advanced Management customers to update to the latest version here.

Efter maj 2023 publiceras inte längre åtgärdade fel här. De visas istället på

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RMT: The Concurrent Users chart would not populate data. An additional update for this issue was published in 2022.1.3 under 1399612.


RMT would fail to start if rmtadmin service-setup provided invalid credentials for the account provided.


TSIG upgraded to Apache httpd 2.4.53


Addressed security vulnerability for CVE-2022-0778.


The Server Performance TDS excluded performance data not specifically associated with a Tableau process.


Downloading the log bundles did not include pgsql or rabbitmq logs.


If a Tableau Server is configured with an independent gateway, the Resource Monitoring Tool will not display some data sets, including view loads and VizQL sessions.

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RMT 20221.22.0331.0859, TSIG 20221.22.0415.1144, CMT (No release this month)


Fre, 22 April, 2022
