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Tableau Prep 2024.2

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W-15132338 When trying to create a flow and connecting to Salesforce Data Cloud, adding a table to the flow pane when using any data space other than the default results in an error.

No error occurs when using the default data space.


W-15025681 When Connected Clients is disabled, Tableau Prep Builder will fail to connect to Published Data Sources with an error:

"No Tableau Server User Found."


W-15020779 This issue occurs after closing Tableau Prep Builder (TP) that has signed in to Tableau Cloud (TCL).

Afterward, open a flow file that has a TCL data source set in the input step.

In this state, a sign-in window appears.

Closing the sign-in window results in being signed in to TCL.

But the flow editing screen does not appear, so it is necessary to reopen the flow file from the TP menu.


W-14568147 The new feature "Stratified Sampling" in Tableau Prep 2023.3 does not work as expected when the input datasource source is Excel file.


W-14353464 When installing Tableau Prep Builder 2022.4+ via the CMD line and using the ACTIVATIONSERVER Installer flag, it does not populate the 'Server' field in the 'Tableau Server Sign In' dialog box when selecting 'Activate by signing into a server' with the address used in the command. It is left blank.


W-14256773 In Tableau Prep Builder sometimes when using [Append to Table] in the output step to export data to Redshift, an error occurs and the table to be UPDATED is deleted on the Redshift side.


W-13634413 In a flow directly connected to the Oracle table, when the TODAY() is converted to ""yyyymmdd"" format using REPLACE() function and filtered against the above field, the data is displayed on the GUI.

However, the data is not output after executing the flow.

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Mån, 01 Juli, 2024