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Introduction to Tableau Prep Hands-On Workshop

Have you always wanted data prep to be easier or wondered how to keep your data fresh in Tableau? Join us for a healthcare and life sciences specific Tableau Prep Builder and Conductor Hands-On Workshop. Tableau Prep Builder helps analysts and business users get data ready for analysis. Together, we get hands-on with Prep Builder and cover a start to finish data prep journey starting with connecting to and cleaning data, to publishing a flow on Server. We cover how to:

  • Union and aggregate multi-year medical device sales files
  • Join and clean returned device data
  • Ensure Device Sales data is refreshed with new transactions
  • Explore new functionality to add Einstein Discovery Predictions into Prep Flow

You will need to download Tableau Prep (https://www.tableau.com/products/prep) & download this sample data and guide (https://www.tableau.com/sites/default/files/2021-08/Pulse-Hands-On-Prep%20Builder-Workshop.zip).

About the speaker

Jessica Lella

Solution Engineer, Tableau

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