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Take Control of CMS Star Ratings through Actionable Analytics: Keys to Medicare Advantage Success
Each year, established Medicare Advantage health plans are given a rating by CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). Plans are rated using the Star Ratings system, which scores each plan from one to five stars on a myriad of criteria, ranging from health screenings to timeliness to customer service. The number or stars a plan achieves can have significant impact on reimbursement rates and health plan success. Medicare members make enrollment decisions about plan selection and CMS provides additional payments to plan administrators based solely on the number of stars a plan has.
In this session, Tableau Health & Life Sciences professionals provide an overview of the CMS Star Ratings and how Tableau offers a proven dashboard solution for accessing and using the ratings for health plan business decisions, including:
- See Star Ratings and details for each Medicare Advantage health plan
- How to download and save this dashboard to suit your business needs
- Identify and understand reasons for Star Ratings results
- Understand specific result drivers for positive or negative Star Ratings