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How Financial Services Can Reduce Credit Risk with Data-Driven Analytics

Imagine if your financial services firm could combine your customer and credit data into a single analytics dashboard to better understand credit risk—helping you act fast in challenging times.

Watch this demo to see how Tableau’s credit risk dashboard will reinvent how you reduce risk, maximise liquidity, and improve customer service with data.

You’ll learn how to use simple natural language to ask your data “what’s the average risk score of my accounts geographically?” Then in one extra click, get an AI-powered explanation to understand the root cause of customer liquidity problems—helping you find customer solutions faster.

Watch now to learn how you can:

  • Reduce credit risk using innovative analytics
  • Answer deep credit risk questions in seconds
  • Understand the causes of customer liquidity issues

Watch the rest of the Financial Services Analytics: Demo Series

About the speaker


Mark Bowles

Senior Solution Engineer, Tableau

Mark is a Senior Solution Engineer at Tableau where he helps people see and understand their data.

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