The Simple Data Strategy that Helped LinkedIn Boost Business-Services Revenue by 85%

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Read how LinkedIn delivers a sales analytics platform improving conversions, net profits and return on investment (ROI).

Since its launch, LinkedIn has become the world’s largest professional networking platform. As one of the Web’s modern-day giants, LinkedIn has access to extensive data on its users and prospects—but wanted to up the ante for business-to-business (B2B) sales by using data even more.

The result was a simple data strategy that helped LinkedIn boost business-services revenue by 85% year over year. And a key component of that strategy was a new, wildly simple sales analytics platform that LinkedIn built with Tableau.

Read this whitepaper to find out:

  • The 3 simple values that influenced LinkedIn’s data strategy from the start.
  • How data from multiple sources helps LinkedIn prioritize which leads to pursue.
  • The amount of savings that the company experienced by putting intuitive data in the hands of its salespeople.
  • What Event-Based Account Management (eBAM) is, and how it improved conversion rates and ROI in the LinkedIn’s B2B sector.

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If you’re a rep, now you can spend three hours creating your own deck, or you can spend one minute taking our story and customizing the look. If you estimate saving two hours each time, that’s saving 100,000 hours—which is 50 fulltime employees worth of time—since we released this.

Om Tableau

Tableau hjälper människor att omvandla data till insikter som kan leda till handling. Visuella analyser utan begränsningar låter dig utforska fritt. Skapa dashboards och utför ad hoc-analyser med bara några klick. Dela ditt arbete med vem du vill och påverka din verksamhet. Allt från globala koncerner till startups och småföretagare över hela världen använder Tableau för att se och förstå sin data.

Omnämnt i

Fast Company
Wallstreet Journal

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