10 Best Practices for Building Effective Dashboards

Build the best dashboards for your audience

Download this free whitepaper

A well-designed dashboard is a powerful launch point for data-driven conversations. Armed with the same collection of information, your business makes faster decisions based on a single source of truth.

This whitepaper will teach you best practices for building the most effective dashboards for your audience—walking you through three sections of use cases and examples:

  • Thoughtful planning will allow you to become familiar with your dashboard audience, evaluate proper display size, and appropriately plan for fast load times.
  • Informed design draws from the “sweet spot” of visual cues. It is critical of view and color quantity, incorporates interactivity to encourage exploration, and considers progressive formatting.
  • Refining your dashboard emphasizes user testing, puts the onus on tooltips, helps you showcase the story within your story, and eliminates clutter.
Get the whitepaper

Additional Resources

Getting Started with Dashboards and Stories in Tableau

Get to know the basic concepts about Tableau’s dashboards and stories in this free training video. You’ll build skills for creating better layouts, using device designer effectively, implementing interactive actions, and shaping story points.

The Do's and Don'ts of Dashboards

A dashboard is your go-to tool for communicating insights about a particular set of data. But, to build a great dashboard—a truly informative and actionable dashboard—it takes more than just putting all of your insights onto a canvas.

The Tableau dashboard has become the tool of choice for them to monitor how well they're doing on that project and that data cleanup initiative, as well as in the future on monitoring how they're doing from a data quality standpoint. So it's been key there.

Om Tableau

Tableau hjälper människor att omvandla data till insikter som kan leda till handling. Visuella analyser utan begränsningar låter dig utforska fritt. Skapa dashboards och utför ad hoc-analyser med bara några klick. Dela ditt arbete med vem du vill och påverka din verksamhet. Allt från globala koncerner till startups och småföretagare över hela världen använder Tableau för att se och förstå sin data.

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Fast Company
Wallstreet Journal

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