Tableau Cloud Updates

With Tableau Cloud, you're always on the latest, most-advanced version of Tableau. We take care of all the updates, monitoring, and infrastructure maintenance so you don't have to. But, it's still important to keep informed about what’s happening. This page will help you plan for any occurrence that may affect your Tableau Cloud site. Below you'll find informational resources to make you aware of any upcoming events.

Not a Tableau Cloud administrator? Please see the following resource pages:




If you would like more information about Tableau Cloud, start here to learn about self-service analytics in the cloud. Read more at Tableau Cloud Overview and Tableau Cloud Manual.


What's New?

New and improved functionalities are released regularly. See What's New in Tableau Cloud for details. After each upgrade, check out the New Features page for more info on all the new functionality. What's newer than new? Features that are Coming Soon.


Tableau Cloud Status

Visit the Tableau Trust site to learn more about the current status of your Tableau Cloud environment and upcoming scheduled maintenances.


Tableau Bridge

Tableau Bridge is a stand alone client. For more information about Tableau Bridge, see:


New in Tableau Cloud 2024.3

Notice for Tableau Cloud subscribers 

We roll out Tableau Cloud updates across our worldwide infrastructure for every quarterly product release over several weeks. We begin with official Cloud infrastructure upgrades and then continue to release our on-premises products (e.g., Desktop, Server) to ensure that Tableau Cloud subscribers have immediate access to our new releases.

So if you subscribe to Tableau Cloud, you may already have access to these new features on your site! To learn more about the Tableau Cloud quarterly releases, please visit the Tableau Cloud System Maintenance page.

Effortlessly grow and manage your analytics in the Cloud with Tableau Cloud Manager. Tableau Cloud Manager allows admins to create and manage multiple Tableau sites in the regions of their choice. Admins can manage licenses and users across sites without having to license a single user multiple times. This simplifies the expansion and management of your cloud analytics environment while helping ensure you meet data residency requirements and maintain governance. 

Note: this feature will be deployed in waves to customers. Admins will receive an email 2 weeks before they receive this feature.

Evolve from legacy reporting to visual analytics while meeting your users' current needs. With Table Viz Extensions, you can add detail tables and grid views to dashboards for users who prefer traditional reporting views. Table Viz Extension will be made available on Tableau Exchange. You can load this new viz type into your marks card and configure new columns for your Table by dragging fields on your marks card and interacting with the table directly to configure.

We’re bringing the full Tableau experience to geospatial data with geospatial support for Parameters. Spatial Parameters create rich, interactive dashboards so you can ask and answer questions about geospatial data. In addition to the regular Parameter types (e.g. string, integer), authors can now select a “Spatial” type. The Spatial type allows the Parameter to capture spatial geometries - points, lines, and polygons representing locations, paths, and regions. Spatial Parameters allows the end user to select individual points, which then get passed as input into calculations enabling dynamic behavior based on the selection. This is no different than today’s Parameter behavior, simply extended to spatial objects.

This new feature allows you to view and understand how tables in your data model are related in Published Data Sources. Create accurate visualizations and understand the relationships between different tables and fields in Tableau by simply clicking the Data Source pane in a Tableau workbook. By enabling analysts to view and understand how tables in the data model are related in Published Data Sources, they can confidently create accurate visualizations with a clear understanding of the data model semantics.

Known Issues & Release Notes

Unusual behavior or issues with Tableau Cloud may be caused by a known issue with the product or a third party change in data delivery. These known issues are listed on the Salesforce Known Issues site.

Many known issues and their possible workarounds are documented in the Tableau Support Knowledge Base, which also contains resolutions for common problems and suggestions for how to use Tableau Cloud.