Webinar sob demanda

Introduction to Advanced Analytics

Welcome to the session on Advanced Analytics looking into how you can ask deeper questions of your data for deeper understanding and insight. Also looking at how you can utilise open source technology such as R and Python into your Tableau instances.

We will look at the following scenarios and the capabilities that support them:

  • Segmentation and Cohort Analysis
  • What-If and Scenario Analysis
  • Sophisticated Calculations
  • Time-Series Analysis
  • Predictive Analysis
  • R and Python Integration

Sobre o palestrante


George Gray

Lead Solution Engineer - Retail and Consumer Goods Industry, Tableau

George has spent the last 9 years in analytics and visualisation, working with a variety of tools and systems and has experience across multiple sectors from; Financial Services, Manufacturing and with specific focus in the last 3 years on Retail. He has a drive to help make the complex simple for all users, and truly believes the biggest asset a company has is its data. George loves to help people see and understand data!

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