Webinar sob demanda

My Boss Told Me to Draw a Map: Mapping Best Practices

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Maps are a popular way to visualize data, but selecting the best options can be overwhelming and lead to mistakes. Beyond adding icons to a map or color-coding specific areas, Tableau has some useful, lesser-known options: hextile maps, pentagon maps, bivariate choropleth maps, value by alpha maps, heatmaps, hexbin, spider maps, and flow maps. Watch this webinar to see a comprehensive view of different mapping techniques, the advantages and limitations of each, how to determine which is best, and how to implement them in Tableau.

This is part of the All over the map: Visualizing geographic data webinar series.

Sobre o palestrante


Marc Psaila

Lead Solution Engineer, Tableau

Marc is a Lead Solution Engineer at Tableau and is a self-proclaimed data geek, with a fascination in connecting to a dataset and getting insights in a matter of minutes. Marc has 20+ years of experience at American Enterprise software vendors both as an Implementation Consultant and a Presales Consultant, and has worked with different types of software such as Collaboration and Content Management, CRM, Project Management and now Visual Analytics.
Outside of Tableau, Marc has a passion for travelling and outdoor activities, and even uses Tableau to analyse the data on running races he participates in.

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