A Few More Ideas in Tableau 8.1
Updated as of 10/18/2013: two more ideas ("v8: Please make Advanced Segments.." and "Font Size Formatting for quick filters" were missed and are now included, bringing the total number of ideas to 30 from 28. Viz below is updated as well.
While these 30 ideas represent barely 2% of the total 1300 customer submitted product ideas, the combined sum of their total votes account for 9% of total votes over all ideas. In other words, many of these ideas are the biggest, most requested, most needed features.
The Ideas Forum is a place for the community to contribute and vote on ideas. Tableau's approach to product development is to bring out a mix of capabilities, some of which are breakthrough and others that address customer pain points. So while we don't look at the Ideas forum as a "to do list" that we tick down day by day, we do look to it as a great resource for our development team. Program managers, developers and leaders often look at the top-voted ideas and read the comments to understand customer use cases.
So visit the Ideas Forum if you have not yet and vote on some of your favorites. We're listening.
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