Using Open Data to Improve Financial Accountability in Public Sector

Download this free whitepaper

The key to better government is in the data - and the best way to provide the transparency that the public expects, and the level of detail that public sector organizations need to ensure financial accountability, is to harness the power of that data.

Read this white paper to learn how data-first organizations in the public sector are actively using open data, in tandem with the Tableau platform, to find deeper insights that drive new levels of accountability, efficiency, and innovation. You’ll learn:

  • How a modern visual analytics platform streamlines the challenges of open data
  • Why interactive dashboards are superior to traditional reporting
  • What public sector organizations like yours are achieving with visual analytics
  • How you can get started
Get the whitepaper

Sobre a Tableau

O Tableau ajuda as pessoas a transformar dados em informações acionáveis. Explore seus dados com uma análise visual sem limites. Crie painéis e faça análises sob demanda com apenas alguns cliques. Compartilhe seu trabalho com quem quiser e gere um impacto positivo nos seus negócios. De multinacionais a startups recém-fundadas e pequenas empresas, pessoas de todo o mundo usam o Tableau para ver e entender seus dados.

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