Market Opportunities and Outliers

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Learn how to find a competitive edge in financial services with real-time data insights.

Explore ways to convert your financial data into insight. Find the new opportunities and the outliers you need to serve your clients’ needs.

Read this paper to learn:

  • 3 tips to spot market trends
  • How RBC Wealth Management, U.S. is using self-service analysis
  • Why visualizing data is fundamental for better business insights
  • 5 best practices for creating effective dashboards
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Tableau really allows you to design dashboards that will help you get your analysis out of PowerPoint and put it into action.

Sobre a Tableau

O Tableau ajuda as pessoas a transformar dados em informações acionáveis. Explore seus dados com uma análise visual sem limites. Crie painéis e faça análises sob demanda com apenas alguns cliques. Compartilhe seu trabalho com quem quiser e gere um impacto positivo nos seus negócios. De multinacionais a startups recém-fundadas e pequenas empresas, pessoas de todo o mundo usam o Tableau para ver e entender seus dados.

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