The Critical Role of the IT Group in Self-Service Analytics

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Hear perspectives on the benefits and challenges of deploying self-service analytics solutions

Agile decision-making, aided by self-service analytics software, is improving organizational performance at leading organizations around the world. Yet, many IT groups still see the rise of self-service analytics as bad news, or yet another attempt by the business to circumvent the IT group and enterprise policies.

While IT can continue to fight the battle by saying no, there is a better way. In fact, we’re seeing that enlightened IT groups leading the charge to support self-service analytics at scale. By doing things differently, these IT groups have changed their image within their organizations and are seen as crucial business partners by the rest of the organization.

How should IT approach self-service analytics? What roles and responsibilities should IT take on? What roles should they let go of?

To answer these pressing questions, we had IDC - a leading industry research firm - interview three Tableau users (one CIO and two BI Centers of Excellence leaders) who have gone through the growing pains of implementing self-service analytics

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It saves IT's time because we're pushing a lot of the report development out into the business. So IT is spending less time building reports themselves and more time just gathering the data sources up.

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