Notícias na mídia

Informações sobre a marca, fotos, capturas de produtos e muito mais.


Seven Upstarts to Watch in Enterprise Apps

The Highline Times

Aviation High School Students Take 6th at World FIRST Championship Robotics Competition After Taking 1st in US NW Finals


Cloud-based Data Analytics Levels the BI Playing Field

Info Exame

Disque Denúncia do RJ usará software para análise de dados durante a Copa


Big Access, Not Big Data: How LinkedIn, Dell, and an Elementary School are Getting it Right

Puget Sound Business Journal

Corporate Counsel: Keenan Conder

The Big Stage

The Data Visualization Era Has Only Just Begun


Marketing Expert: The Best Tools for Understanding Your Social-Media Accounts


How to Auto Generate Forecasts with Tableau

Management Today

MT EXPERT: Why 'seeing' your data is the key to understanding it