Notícias na mídia

Informações sobre a marca, fotos, capturas de produtos e muito mais.

PC Advisor

Organisations failing to tap into business intelligence

IT World

Organizations failing to tap into business intelligence

The Journal of Marketing South Africa

Better Marketing Decisions at Your Fingertips

Information Week

Gartner BI And Data Warehouse Quadrants: More Science, Less 'Magic'

Silicon Republic Ireland

Irish Life chooses Tableau to deliver business intelligence dashboards

ITRManager France

Tableau Software ouvre un centre Européen de support technique

Animasoft France

Tableau Software ouvre un centre Européen de support technique

Decideo France

Tableau Software annonce sa volonté de développement dans l’Union Européenne et ouvre un centre Européen de support technique

Tendance IT France

Tableau Software ouvre un centre Européen de support technique

IT Channel France

Tableau Software ouvre un centre Européen de support technique