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Tableau Server 2023.3.5

We raden aan om de nieuwste onderhoudsrelease van deze versie te gebruiken, want deze bevat oplossingen voor bepaalde fouten.

Download Tableau Server 2023.3.5 De nieuwste versie downloaden (aanbevolen)

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Starting in September, 2023, fixed defects can be found on this site. Additional defect information is available at[sfcategoryfull]=Tableau.

Verwijderd vanwege problemen bij de upgrade naar deze versie vanaf specifieke eerdere versies. Zie dit Bekend probleem voor meer informatie.

Opgeloste problemen

Probleem-ID Beschrijving

W-15478748 Addressed Issue in Flow Editor


W-14673398 After upgrading from TS v2021.1.4 to TS v2022.3.8, all the flows do not contain hyperlinks in their output steps even though the published data source exists and are searchable through explore in the UI.


W-14750937 Extract refreshes are reporting as failed from Jobs page on Tableau Cloud. On the other hand, the extract refresh itself is successfully updated (data-wise).

However, since the extract refresh continually ""fails"" this way, if the schedule will enter a suspended state due to the repeated failures.

Same extract refresh issue is observed with Tableau Server 2023.3.x release.


W-14995414 Unable to delete users who have customized views using REST API with the mapAssetsTo option.

The issue occurs in different conditions depending on the Tableau Server versions.

The Issue confirmed that the issue also occurs in 2023.3.x and 2022.1.x.

The conditions to cause this error are different depending on Tableau Server versions.

For example, in 2021.4.6, when using the mgapAssetsTo option, REST API seems to transfer customized views to another user and get the error if the new owner already has a custom view with the same URL Id in the same workbook. On the other hand, in 2023.3.0, the issue occurs regardless if the names of custom view of users are the same or not.


W-14642579 On Tableau Server versions 2021.4.0 and higher, the following tsm command may fail when attempted:

tsm maintenance validate-resources --site-id

The error message is as follows:

This job failed due to unexpected error: 'NullPointerException' User 0 is not a system admin. (errorCode=1)


W-15244838 After upgrading to 2022.3.x via in-place upgrade, poor performance is observed: High Hyper CPU Usage, long-running Hyper & sqlproxy queries (>1600 seconds), slow view loads with extracts.

Live connections do not experience any issues.


W-15208702 After upgrading Tableau Server to 2023.3.1 subscriptions set to the frequency 'When Data Refreshes' do not send a subscription e-mail after Incremental Refresh jobs are run.

Full Extract Refreshes do not experience the issue.

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Ma, 29 april, 2024

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