Productrelease en download

Tableau Server Management Add-on 2021.4.1

We raden aan om de nieuwste onderhoudsrelease van deze versie te gebruiken, want deze bevat oplossingen voor bepaalde fouten.

Download Tableau Server Management Add-on 2021.4.1 De nieuwste versie downloaden (aanbevolen)

Downloaden vanaf een desktopcomputer

Tableau Advanced Management is niet beschikbaar voor mobiele apparaten. Meld je aan vanaf een desktopcomputer om te downloaden.

Starting in September, 2023, fixed defects can be found on this site. Additional defect information is available at[sfcategoryfull]=Tableau.

Opgeloste problemen

Probleem-ID Beschrijving

The Network chart would show duplicate network adapters in the legend


The Performance chart would sometimes show CPU utilization of -1% during time periods of low activity


The Virtual Connections Service was not being displayed in the Tableau Processes chart and was not present in the Server Performance TDS.


The Slow View Loads chart could be skewed if a baseline was calculated for a popular dashboard when most view loads completed quickly due to caching.


CPU utilization on RMT Server could spike due to insufficient connections available to PostgreSQL


In some situations, incidents were not marked as closed once the original hardware problem was resolved.

Bestanden downloaden


RMT: 20214.22.0108.0911


Do, 13 januari, 2022
