Consumers across the globe are facing an economic squeeze. Businesses need to work smarter to ensure they keep their customers engaged and spending with them. A customer-centric approach can lead to a virtuous circle of increased engagement and satisfaction, along with sustainable long-term growth. The rewards to both business and customer are enormous. More data is available than ever before to inform such an approach, but some companies are not using this resource effectively, and are being left behind in an increasingly competitive market.
Leadership in the Asia-Pacific region is increasingly data-literate, but more needs to be done to ensure that knowledge and enthusiasm trickles down throughout organisations. Much strategy is still being guided by gut instinct and what has worked in the past. But the instinctive approach can lead to strategic errors that miss opportunities and hamper expansion. How can business leaders best demonstrate the power of data in developing customer-centric approaches that lead to growth? In what ways can data be used to sharpen business strategy?
In this panel discussion, we explored how businesses can put data at the heart of their strategic decision-making to unlock customer-centric growth.