On-demand webinar

Lovelytics - Workforce Planning Analytics: Identifying Employees at Risk

This outbreak has dramatically changed the way we work. Organizations everywhere are doing what they can to avoid the virus from spreading among their employees. In response, HR teams are quickly adapting to ensure employees are safe and supported. To help answer many of the questions around reopening, one of our partners, Lovelytics is leveraging Tableau to build HR dashboards that compare COVID cases in the U.S. with office locations to identify employees potentially at risk. This is a great example of what public sector organizations can do with employee data for back to work planning.

During this webinar, attendees will learn how to:

  • Combine employee data with Covid-19 case data to spot and monitor employees’ exposure.
  • Securely visualize employee survey data to quickly understand morale and engagement. Easily combine with attendance data to provide support needed.
  • Administer more agile support models like financial assistance, back-up family care, and flexible shifts to employees impacted by the virus.

This is part of the Leading Through Change in Government webinar series.

About the speaker


Chantilly Jaggernauth

Vice President of Data Visualization & Training, Lovelytics

Chantilly Jaggernauth's mission is to empower corporations and individuals through the use of data visualizations and data analytics. She is a two year Tableau Visionary who specializes in data visualization, data analytics, design, and training.

Currently, she is the Vice President of Data Visualization and Training at Lovelytics based in Arlington, VA. Prior to joining Lovelytics, Chantilly worked for Johnson and Johnson and Comcast.
In addition to her day job, Chantilly is the founder and CEO of the non-profit organization Millennials and Data (#MAD). Through #MAD, she works to bridge the data literacy and analytical skills gap by training, mentoring, and preparing millennials to enter a data- driven global environment.

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