The Great Resignation in Asia-Pacific: Is data the answer for companies?

A trend that saw millions of people resign their jobs in the United States and then Europe in 2021, is now a matter of concern across the Asia-Pacific too. Talent shortages have been reported in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand among others, with companies struggling to retain and attract talent.

This report by Economist Impact and Tableau explores the reasons behind and the implications of the Great Resignation in Asia-Pacific. It also take a look at how companies can take a data-driven approach in improving employee retention and managing the workforce of the future.

Key highlights from this report:

  • Employee expectations are changing, making it more difficult for companies to hire staff
  • There is greater emphasis on employee retention which companies must focus on. To do so, companies should understand their employees better, engage more deeply with them and become cognisant of their expectations
  • What is the role of data and analytics in helping companies to forge meaningful connections with employees and strengthen company culture?
  • Understanding how the use of data and technology is essential to help with employee retention

Want to read more? Download the report.

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