온디맨드 웨비나

Mapping in Tableau

Do you have location data in your data sources? Do you think a map will help give your dashboard some pop? There are many reasons to use maps in Tableau but keep in mind that they serve a particular purpose: to answer spatial questions.

Join this webinar to discuss the different ways you can incorporate Tableau maps into your visualizations and dashboards. During this webinar, attendees will learn more about:

  • Integrated mapping capabilities
  • How to use spatial functions and calculations
  • General mapping tips and tricks

발표자 소개

Ross Paulson headshot

Ross Paulson

Principal Solutions Engineer, Tableau

Ross has been with Tableau since 2014 and supports their efforts to help federal and public sector customers use the Tableau platform. Primarily the intelligence community. 

Before joining Tableau, Ross spent +20 years building experience in Data / Geospatial Analysis, Intelligence product design, ISR sensor development/testing and spent years providing consulting services to various government agencies.

Currently Ross leads the internal geospatial champions team at Tableau. Ross has a passion for all thing’s aviation, the geospatial sciences, and the world of design.
When Ross is not engaging with Tableau customers or playing with Tableau… he and his wife & three children live west of beautiful Leesburg, Virginia.

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