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Data Viz Debate: Andy Cotgreave v Andy Kirk

The Data Viz Debate brings together two of the sharpest minds in data to share their opposing views on the most divisive issues in data visualisation design. Join Andy Cotgreave and Andy Kirk to learn new data skills and discover how you can overcome your own data visualisation challenges using more than one method. Join the conversation using #DataVizDebate and to vote for your favourite, simply visit the Data Viz Debate hub where you can access all six rounds and vote using the viz on each page.
Round 1: Is the Bar Chart Race more than just a gimmick? The hottest data viz trend right now is the bar chart race; but is it the best way to visualise time? Round 2: Which is the best decade for data viz - the 1910s or 2010s? Have classicists already set the standards for data viz discourse, or are we in a new golden age? Round 3: Do business executives need, or want, interactive charts? Are executives too busy for interactivity or should analysts make data exploration easy? Round 4: Which small change can most transform the effectiveness of a viz: Colour or Title? A title is key to understanding, but does this supersede colour which impacts every pixel? Round 5: Long form or single screen visualisations? Has mobile phone scrolling changed how we consume data or should all info be presented at once? Round 6: Blue Orange colour palette: love or hate? Is colour theory correct about the benefits of Blue Orange, or does its practical application differ. Follow the Tableau Events and Webinars Linkedin page to accelerate your data education.

About the speakers


Andy Kirk

Data Visualisation Specialist and Founder of visualisingdata.com

Andy Kirk is a freelance data visualisation specialist based in Yorkshire, UK. He is a visualisation design consultant, training provider, teacher, author, speaker, researcher and editor of the award-winning website visualisingdata.com.

After graduating from Lancaster University in 1999 with a BSc (hons) in Operational Research, Andy’s working life began with a variety of business analysis and information management roles at organisations including CIS Insurance, West Yorkshire Police and the University of Leeds.

He discovered data visualisation in early 2007, when it was lurking somewhat on the fringes of the web. Fortunately, the timing of this discovery coincided with Andy shaping his Master’s (MA) degree research proposal, a self-directed research programme that gave him the opportunity to unlock and secure his passion for the subject.

He launched visualisingdata.com to continue the process of discovery and to chart the course of the increasing popularity of the subject. Over time, this award-winning site has grown to become a popular reference for followers of the field, offering contemporary discourse, design techniques, and vast collections of visualisation examples and resources.

Andy became a freelance professional in 2011. Since then he has had the fortune of working with a diverse range of clients across the world, including organisations such as Google, CERN, Electronic Arts, the EU Council, Hershey, and McKinsey. At the time of publication, he will have delivered over 270 public and private training events in 25 different countries, reaching more than 6,000 delegates. Alongside his busy training schedule, Andy also provides design consultancy with his primary client being the Arsenal FC Performance Team, since 2015.

In addition to commercial activities, Andy maintains regular engagements in academia. Between 2014 and 2015 he was an external consultant on a research project called ‘Seeing Data’, funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council and hosted by the University of Sheffield. This study explored the issues of data visualisation literacy among the general public and, among many things, helped to shape an understanding of the human factors that affect visualisation literacy and the effectiveness of design.

He joined the highly respected Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) as a visiting lecturer in 2013 teaching a module on the Information Visualisation Masters programme through to 2017. From January 2016, he taught a data visualisation module as part of the MSc Business Analytics programme at the Imperial College Business School in London through to 2018.


Archana Ganeshalingam

Senior Solution Engineer

Archana is a senior solution engineer at Tableau based in our London office where she helps people see and understand their data. She is also the host of Iron Viz at Tableau Conference Europe which is the premier data viz competition.

You can follow Archana on LinkedIn.

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