Join us for a special edition of Makeover Monday

We believe people should not be forced down a straight line, but be able to explore the data, chasing hunches, in order to focus on the best articulation of the data. Knowing more about peopleโ€™s behaviour helps us improve Tableau. We want you to help us by getting involved in a special experiment next week. The research team are joining with Makeover Monday for a special โ€œadvanced loggingโ€ week. Collecting multiple log files from people all exploring the data set will give us a unique perspective on peopleโ€™s paths through the data.

How do you explore data? What path do you take from opening a data set to publishing a dashboard? Do you go in a straight line or a squiggly path? These are some of the questions Tableauโ€™s research team asks.

We believe people should not be forced down a straight line, but be able to explore the data, chasing hunches, in order to focus on the best articulation of the data. Knowing more about peopleโ€™s behaviour helps us improve Tableau.

We want you to help us by getting involved in a special experiment next week. The research team is joining with Makeover Monday, our weekly exercise in reimagining stories with the same data, for a special advanced-logging week. Collecting multiple log files from people all exploring the data set will give us a unique perspective on peopleโ€™s paths through the data.

We'll also be able to create animations of everyoneโ€™s explorations. Below is an example of the output we can collect. It shows my exploration of a data set on capital punishment in the US.

What we want to know is just how unique everyoneโ€™s path through the data is.

Does this sound good? We hope so!

In order to do the project, you will need to run Tableau with a special โ€œadvanced loggingโ€ flag. This creates more detailed logs than normal, and also captures a PNG of every view you make. Youโ€™ll then send us your logs, and weโ€™ll take it from there!

Full details will be published on this blog on Saturday 19 November, ahead of next weekโ€™s Makeover Monday. So do stay tuned!

In case you're not yet familiar, head over to the Makeover Monday site for a quick primer on this community exercise. And check out our Pinterest board to see the 2,500+ makeovers submitted by 400+ people.