Featured Authors October 2021

We are excited to introduce our new cohort of Featured Authors and amazed by the work these extraordinary data rock stars have been doing for the last few months or even years!

Anna Barentz is a freelance data scientist and designer with a master's degree in civil engineering based in Chicago. She began using Tableau in a 2019 data science bootcamp, and ever since, sheโ€™s been passionate about creating meaningful, easy-to-interpret data visualizations. Inspired to grow her data visualization skills and explore data art created by talented and supportive Tableau community members, she loves connecting with the DataFam to learn new techniques and ideas. She also loves the opportunity to combine her technical and design backgrounds when using Tableau Public. She vizzes about social issues, mental health, art, movies, and cooking. Connect with Anna on LinkedIn

Arshad Ejaz is a data visualization consultant at PwC in India where he uses Tableau to create business dashboards for many clients across sectors. He discovered data visualizations two years ago and his work turned into a passion for Tableau Public. He actively participates in the #WorkoutWednesday and #MakeoverMonday challenges. Tableau Public is key in the development of his visualization skills, which help him succeed professionally. Data visualization is art for him, with Tableau as his canvas, and Tableau Public the gallery for his work. He is passionate about creating visualizations on environmental and social topics. He is an avid Formula 1 fan and a thalassophile. Connect with Arshad on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Azad Jivani is a reporting analyst at CoreLogic Australia. Introduced by Alex Waleczekwe, he began his Tableau Public journey in 2020 by participating in #MakeoverMonday challenges. So inspired by the Tableau Community and the work of many viz experts on Twitter and LinkedIn, Azad ended up publishing a viz every week. Data visualization is his newfound passion but he also loves spending time with family and playing cricket at the oval with friends. He is thankful for Tableau, Tableau Public, and the DataFam for creating a great platform where people learn and grow together. Connect with Azad on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Dilyana Bossenz is a business analytics and enablement manager at M2 technology & project consulting GmbH with a passion for data visualization and data literacy. She concentrates on educating business people about how modern software solutions and services can enable them to drive better outcomes. She discovered Tableau in 2015 and became a fan of both the solution and the community. Dilyana co-hosts the Tableau User Group in Berlin and is a member of the Education Committee of the Data Visualization Society. She runs a blog writing about data, dashboards, and data literacy topics. Besides work, she is active in jogging and yoga.

Donna Coles is a Tableau Server administrator, known as the Tableau 'expert' in her organization. Sheโ€™s used Tableau since 2013 and competed in every #WorkoutWednesday (WOW) challenge since 2017! She loves the fact that Tableau Public allows the community to share visualizations freely and #WorkoutWednesday participants can see and understand how others approach the same problem. Recently, she started blogging about her solutions to the #WOW challenges. Connect with Donna on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Fatima Gil Pena is a candidate for Masterโ€™s in Business Analytics at Aston Business University and expects to graduate in 2022. She started participating in the #MakeoverMonday challenge to build a work portfolio. Sheโ€™s fascinated by the versatility and flexibility of Tableau Public to explore data, try new ideas, and discover vizzes that โ€œclickโ€ for others. As a proud mother of three, she does not hide her love for data in everyday life #momswhoviz. She is thankful to the generous Tableau Community, including the incredible analysts and artists that come up with unbelievable pieces of work. Connect with Fatima on Twitter.

Lucia Stefanuto is a senior data analyst who loves getting ideas from Tableau Public to help improve her own dashboards and then shares that work to inspire others. She started her career studying business, marketing, and neuroscience, and has always been interested in discovering the โ€œwhyโ€ of things and how the mind works. She found analyzing data was a helpful path to achieve this and started processing data in Excel first. Once that data exploded, she tried other solutions before using Tableau, and it was love at first sight! Tableau increases her work efficiency as she processes, structures, and visually presents information in a clear, concise, actionable format. She prefers simple graphs that are easy to understand by non-data literates. Connect with Lucia on LinkedIn

Manirakiza Marie Jo is a freelance business intelligence developer, specializing in Tableau, data visualization, and data journalism. She is passionate about working with people and organizations that want to effectively use data; from first ideas around what to measure and how to capture data accurately, through to data preparation, analysis, management, and impactful presentation of insights. She supports all steps of the process enabling organizations to make evidence-driven decisions or share insights with new audiences. Connect with Arshad on Twitter.

Rohit Ghadge holds a Master's degree in industrial engineering and is a data visualization and analytics specialist at Humber College in Toronto. He came across data visualization and Tableau Public in late 2016, and immediately knew he wanted to pursue a data visualization career. Tableau Public helps expand his knowledge of data, design, and storytelling. Rohit looks for inspiration on Tableau Public and finds the DataFam community very supportive and knowledgeable. His favorite viz topics are movies and books but Rohit tries creating vizzes on other topics as well. Connect with Rohit on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Saverio Rocchetti is a fraud prevention analyst at Entain Italy. He started using Tableau Public in December 2020. Getting involved in community projects like #MakeoverMonday and #DiversityinData helps him deepen a passion for data analysis and visualization. His main interests include social issues, economics, movies, and music. What he loves most about Tableau Public is connecting with the DataFam community to learn new ideas and share work. Connect with Saveiro on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Sebastiรกn Soto Vera started using Tableau in 2015 and published his first visualization in Tableau Public the next year. He participates in the #MakeoverMonday challenge, creates visualizations associated with personal projects, and checks Tableau Public almost daily to learn about new visualizations, explore workbooks, get inspiration, and learn from other authors. He is a project manager at Tsoft, a university professor of data visualization, and leads the Tableau User Group in Santiago de Chile. Connect with Sebastiรกn on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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