現代生活を支える存在として欠かせないのがエネルギー・資源業界です。この業界では、使用したエネルギーや、ビジネスと日常生活で役立つさまざまなものを生み出すのに必要な資源などについて、膨大な量のデータが生成されています。そのデータを Tableau を使って分析すると、生産量の増加、ダウンタイムの削減、顧客サービスの向上など、単なる商品以上の価値を生み出すことができます。また、地域、製品、サービス、部門を越えてインサイトを取得できる効率的なプラットフォームがあれば、利益を最大化しながらコストは最小限に抑えられます。さらに、オンラインのインタラクティブなダッシュボードにより、クライアントやパートナー、投資家、そして一般の人々が価値を理解して視覚化できるように支援することも可能です。
Tableau で効率を追求する石油・ガス企業
データ品質センターで時間を 95% 節約した ExxonMobil 社
ExxonMobil 社は Tableau を活用することによって、顧客が必要な答えを自ら得られるようにしました。また、メキシコ湾での作業に関するデータ品質を向上させ、時間の大幅な節約 (最大で 95%) を達成しました。
We want to ensure that our engineers and our geoscientists, they have quality data that is readily available. So they can go off and make key business decisions that are going to effect our entire operation.
We have this thing that we've started to call our gallery of dashboards. When we build a dashboard we put it out in our gallery. Just out there on the server. And everybody that we have trained up in our roll out period, they can have access to those dashboards. So they can pull them off the server, take them, and do whatever they want to them. We strongly encourage that.
So we published them out to the Tableau server. And that's been very beneficial because everybody doesn't have a Tableau license, a desktop license. And they can't go in and create them themselves. So we publish them out. We can give them an interactive role where they can actually go out and they can interact with the dashboard. We're putting the power back into the user's hand. It's not just us doing this. We're going to give you licenses. You'll be able to go in. You'll be able to tweak the dashboard. You'll be able to edit it.
They're able to go in. They can customize. They can do whatever they need to do to meet the requirements of their business.
Let me give you a perfect story about this. We taught some people in Beunos Aires on our basic roll out how to go ahead and build dashboards. And we showed them our basic dashboards. We didn't hear from them. A couple of weeks went by. So we finally got a hold of them and they said, well, we kind of built a dashboard. I said, well. Can we see it? And we called it up. And we looked at it.
It didn't look anything like the one we had created. But man, was it powerful. It would sit there and it did everything they needed to do. And the answer was instant, right? So it was right there. He goes, you know. By using this dashboard, we estimate we're going to save 95% of our time. And I thought about that for a minute. I used to basically do what they're doing now. And I believe that's really an accurate number because here's what they had to do.
They had to sit there and run a report from the corporate repository. Report was not user friendly. They then had to take that report, put it into Excel. They had to clean it up. I mean, excess rows, dashes, multiple header lines. Clean all that up. Then they took it in to Access. And from Access they went ahead and ran their queries against it and got their information.
All that goes away. All we gotta do is get our data out of the application, out of repository. Put it into Tableau. The dashboard's built. Numbers are right there. Saves 95% of their time.
Tableau のおかげで他社との差別化を図ることができ、顧客離れの低減と、以前より高い月間経常収益の維持に成功しています。