
Live webinar series - Unilever and Tableau

How to empower business users through data driven decisions across Unilever

Join this live webinar series exclusively for Unilever employees, to learn how you can gain more insights from your data using the Tableau platform available to you within Unilever.

You can register now for the below webinars.

  • 24 May - 3:30pm BST: Why is data visualisation important? Discover the art of the possible with self-service analytics
  • Discover how you, as a business user, can use visual analytics to your advantage. No prior experience of Tableau is necessary.

  • 5 June - 2:30pm BST: Serve yourself! Get the answers to your data questions with Tableau Server
  • Learn how to view, explore, create and collaborate around trusted content that will enrich your understanding of the business.

  • 14 June - 3:30pm BST: Getting Started with Tableau at Unilever
  • Get started with Tableau and to discover the resources available to you as a Tableau user within Unilever.

  • 28 June - 3:30pm BST: Accelerate Your Advanced Analytics
  • See how Tableau is making advanced analytics exploratory, faster and more scalable than ever before.