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Data can help your organization tell stories that no one else can. Using your company’s own data, you can generate truly unique, audience-ready insights. Content teams from organizations around the world are using Tableau Public to publish and share their data stories. To inspire your next great data story, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite examples of Tableau Public vizzes used for content marketing.
Stop looking at the wrong marketing metrics—see how TeamSnap is accomplishing this with Tableau and Google.
Do you think big data doesn’t apply to marketing? Wrong: it does. The good news is that it's not too daunting.
As a marketing professional, I have a soft spot for customer stories that showcase Tableau at work in marketing departments. So it’s gratifying when I hear about customers combining their data muscle and Tableau chops to segment audiences, engage prospects, and provide meaningful content about their product or service.
Tableau の最新情報をメールでお知らせします
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