- Data Skills
How To Spot Misleading Charts: Review the Message
Sue Kraemer 2024/10/24Explore a comprehensive checklist to spot misleading charts, enabling confident and informed decision-making focused on understanding the author's interpretations. - Data Skills
How To Spot Misleading Charts: Check the Axes
Sue Kraemer 2024/10/17Explore a comprehensive checklist to spot misleading charts, enabling confident and informed decision-making focused on axes best practices. - Data Skills
How To Spot Misleading Charts: Check the Chart Design
Sue Kraemer 2024/10/10Explore a comprehensive checklist to spot misleading charts, enabling confident and informed decision-making focused on chart design best practices. - Data Skills
How To Spot Misleading Charts: Know the Source
Sue Kraemer 2024/10/03Explore a comprehensive checklist to spot misleading charts, enabling confident and informed decision-making focused on investigating the source. - Data Skills
Data Literacy Basics Everyone Should Know
Sam Priddy 2024/08/15Get started with these four concepts to kick off your journey with data literacy. - Data Skills
Data Literacy for All: Free data skills training for individuals and organizations
Courtney Totten 2024/03/21How Tableau’s Data Literacy for All program can help you develop foundational data skillsets. - Data Skills
How to Spot Misleading Charts, a Checklist
Sue Kraemer 2023/11/15Explore a comprehensive checklist to spot misleading charts, enabling confident and informed decision-making based on: the source, chart type, axes and message. - Data Skills
Tableau のインタラクティブな履歴書で就職活動を一歩リード
Tamsin Rowntree 2022/12/08リクルーターが 1 通の履歴書に目を通す時間はわずか 6 秒です。Tableau で視覚化したインタラクティブな履歴書を作り、データビジュアライゼーションのスキルをアピールして、応募の段階で一歩リードしましょう。
- Data Skills
How Data Communities Help Solve the Data Literacy Gap
Ashley Howard Neville 2022/10/17Focusing on building internal communities that invite more employees into the data conversation has the added benefit of being cost effective and less reliant on one person or team to manage training responsibilities for an entire organization. - Data Skills
Tableau Offers Data Skills Programs to Help Close Gap
Courtney Totten 2022/05/31Tableau has created a wide range of educational offerings to help people gain valuable data skills. - Data Skills
A successful path to data literacy and analytics maturity for all
Forbes BrandVoice 2022/01/28With increased digitization, there’s an opportunity and need for business leaders to reassess the data literacy support provided to their workforce. In turn, they will reduce the data skills gap and advance their organization’s analytics maturity. - Data Skills
Addressing the importance of data and visualization skills in health and healthcare fields
Sue Kraemer 2022/01/27Sue Kraemer, Senior Data Skills Curriculum Strategy Manager, rcreated a health and healthcare data visualization course for Tableau Academic Programs. Sue sat down with Kathy Rowell to discuss data skills in the healthcare industry and why it’s important in the classroom.
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