Webinaire à la demande

Get to Know Tableau

Here at Tableau, we've helped thousands of organisations change the way they use data. Want to find out how you can do the same?

Watch this introductory webinar to learn how Tableau's laser focus on helping people see and understand data can help your organisation drive real change with the power of data. By the end of the session you'll get a better understanding about our company, our mission, and our platform.

Register now to learn how Tableau can help your organisation...

  • Put people at the centre of data-driven decisions
  • Manage your data within an end-to-end platform
  • Create a data culture
  • Join a passionate data community

Follow the Tableau Events and Webinars Linkedin page to accelerate your data education.

À propos de l'intervenant


JP King

Senior Solution Engineer, Tableau

JP is a Senior Solution Engineer at Tableau in our pre-sales team. He helps our customers see and understand their data, and has in the past helped local governments begin their sustainability journey with Tableau.

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