Government Summit 2021

On Demand Sessions

Over 20 speakers shared their Public Sector expertise, stories, and use cases on April 6, 2021. Watch every session on-demand from the virtual event to hear how federal, state, and local organizations are innovating and achieving their missions through data.

Panel Discussion: Leading with Data Analytics During the Pandemic, and Beyond

Panel Discussion: Transform Vaccine Management with Data

Closing Session: Where Do We Go from Here? The Impact of COVID-19 on Data Cultures and Decision-Making

How Colorado Tracks the Pandemic Response - Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment

Upgrading Residents' Experience with Transparent Services - DC Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs

Supporting Policymakers with Empathetic and Reflective Design - City of Los Angeles

Identifying Vulnerable Communities for Timely Response - U.S. Department of Agriculture

Supporting the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund through Advancing Analytics for Payment Integrity - U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration

Improving Hiring Outcomes through Data - U.S. Office of Management and Budget & General Services Administration

Becoming a Data-Driven Organization: Manpower and Personnel Modeling - Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center

Tackling the Technology Deficit – Salesforce

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