Viz Talk Live: Understanding Microsoft v. Apple
One of the best things about Tableau is that visualization is not just the end product, it is part of the process. This also means we can take vizes that are already constructed and play with them on the fly to quickly discover new ways to present the same data. In fact, we do this often at Tableau, evaluating our own visualizations in groups to brainstorm on how we can improve them. So we thought, why not take the discussion public?
One of the best things about Tableau is that visualization is not just the end product, it is part of the process. This also means we can take vizes that are already constructed and play with them on the fly to quickly discover new ways to present the same data. In fact, we do this often at Tableau, evaluating our own visualizations in groups to brainstorm on how we can improve them. So we thought, why not take the discussion public?
Tableau customer Matt Lee generously allowed us to use his viz that compares Microsoft and Apple stock, in this pilot video. Here are some thoughts about this viz from myself and fellow Data Analyst, Lori Williams.
We've included the live (re-sized) viz below, but you can also view Matt's original viz here. Also, tell us what you like about the viz, and your suggestions for further improvement in our Viz Talk forums.
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