Help Us Test New Tableau Connections in the Works
As you know, Tableau connect to a wide variety of data sources. And we're adding new connectors all the time.
MemSQL 5, Cisco Information Server (formerly Composite), and Kognitio are just a few of the data connectors we are currently building. We want to make sure new connectors work the way you need them to. To help us do that, we need your help. Join our connector testing program, test new connectors, and tell us what you think.
Join the Beta
New connectors are regularly added to our beta group with robust implementation details. Participants of the group are notified and invited to test when new connectors are added. If you have access to the connector’s data source, the testing can begin!
Here’s what you have to do:
• Identify the source you want to test with and download a test version of Tableau Desktop.
• Connect to your data source and create vizzes in Tableau.
• Tell us about your experience with the new connector. Is it easy to find the right driver? Is it fast & easy to connect to your data source? Are query times fast while building your viz?
To join our connector-testing program, send me an email at
As always, thank you for your feedback. We look forward to hearing from you!
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