Advanced Analytics with Tableau

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Read this paper to learn how Tableau can help with all stages of an analytics project by using advanced capabilities.

Advanced analytics has emerged as a critical component of modern business intelligence in recent years. As organizations rush to take advantage of new capabilities, both data scientists and business users benefit from tools that simplify their workflows.

Advanced analytics is an integral part of Tableau’s mission to help people see and understand their data. The following whitepaper details how Tableau can help democratize sophisticated analysis. As discussed in the paper, Tableau’s intuitive interface, powerful back end, and statistics integration provide a strong base for any advanced analytics infrastructure.

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Tableau has clearly demonstrated they’re a leader in the digital analytics industry.

À propos de Tableau

Tableau vous aide à transformer vos données en informations exploitables. Découvrez des possibilités d'analyse visuelle illimitées. Créez des tableaux de bord et effectuez des analyses ad hoc en seulement quelques clics. Partagez vos documents de travail avec les personnes de votre choix et marquez les esprits dans votre entreprise. Des grandes multinationales aux startups naissantes en passant par les TPE, tout le monde utilise Tableau pour voir et comprendre ses données.

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