From Dashboard Zoo to Census: A Case Study with Tableau Public

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Dashboards remain ubiquitous tools for analyzing data and disseminating the findings. Understanding the range of dashboard designs, from simple to complex, can support the development of authoring tools that enable end-users to meet their analysis and communication goals. Yet, there has been little work that provides a quantifiable, systematic, and descriptive overview of dashboard design patterns. Instead, existing approaches only consider a handful of designs, which limits the breadth of patterns that can be surfaced. More quantifiable approaches, inspired by machine learning (ML), are presently limited to single visualizations or capturing narrow features of dashboard designs. To address this gap, we present an approach for modeling the content and composition of dashboards using a graph representation. The graph decomposes dashboard designs into nodes featuring content “blocks’; and uses edges to model “relationships”, such as layout proximity and interaction, between nodes. To demonstrate the utility of this approach, and its extension over prior work, we apply this representation to derive a census of 25,620 dashboards from Tableau Public, providing a descriptive overview of the core building blocks of dashboards in the wild and summarizing prevalent dashboard design patterns. We discuss concrete applications of both a graph representation for dashboard designs and the resulting census to guide the development of dashboard authoring tools, making dashboards accessible, and for leveraging AI/ML techniques. Our findings underscore the importance of meeting users where they are by broadly cataloging dashboard designs, both common and exotic.

Auteur(s) de Tableau

Vidya Setlur, Arjun Srinivasan


Arjun Srinivasan, Joanna Purich, Michael Correll, Leilani Battle, Vidya Setlur, Anamaria Crisan