Build Your Competitive Edge: Top 12 Retail Dashboards

Are you just beginning to use dashboards to visualize your data? Or are you ready to supplement the dashboards you’re already using for an even broader understanding of your business? Wherever you are in your data analytics journey, actionable insights are essential to gain a competitive edge—and dashboards play a critical role in bringing those insights to life.

We’ve reached out to our partner community and curated a collection of dashboards that deliver, from product availability to digital content optimization. Read this whitepaper to learn how top retailers are using visual analytics for competitive advantage—and then test drive a collection of the best retail dashboards and experience the power of visual analytics for yourself.

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Captures d’écran de produits Tableau

Le service client doit désormais être au cœur de toutes nos activités et nous devons anticiper les besoins des clients avant même qu'ils ne les formulent. Et c'est précisément cet objectif que Tableau nous aide à atteindre.