Série de webinaires

CIO x Tableau: Data Download Series

Long heralded as the ‘new oil’ and widely regarded as the secret weapon of enterprise, forward-thinking CIOs are moving beyond rhetoric to place data at the heart of digital transformation agendas across Asia Pacific.

Yet despite executive intentions, organisations remain challenged by the process of converting information into business benefits, heightening analytics focus on scalability, accountability and productivity.

According to State of the CIO findings, 43% of organisations are prioritising investment in data and business analytics across Asia Pacific, with 54% of CIOs expanding responsibilities to spearhead ownership efforts. The execution of such plans requires a data strategy centred on corporate and cultural alignment, shaped by future of work and evolving enterprise requirements.

This CIO Data Download Series – in association with Tableau – will outline how CIOs can build out an analytics strategy fit for the enterprise, documenting examples of executive best practice in maximising power of data.


Webinaires à la demande

Titre Longueur
Building a Culture of Analytics
The value of data is widely acknowledged and accepted within CIO circles yet converting executive sentiment into organisation-wide action remains a leading challenge for businesses across Asia…
40 min
Scaling the Power of Analytics
As analytics moves from pilot phase to deployment in the enterprise, CIOs are switching focus from championing tactical projects to spearheading wide-scale implementation efforts,…
41 min
Creating Business Alignment in Analytics
Amid plans to super-charge digital transformation efforts across Asia Pacific, forward-thinking CIOs are moving beyond siloed thinking to create new levels of business alignment in analytics.…
40 min
How Analytics Can Enhance the Future of Work
As organisations continue to emerge from a significant reset in how employees engage and operate, the future of work has become an integral component of overall digital transformation strategies,…
41 min