Série de webinaires

Data visualization for marketers: how to wow your team and your customers

Bar charts, scatter plots, and mapping. How can data visualization help you? This three-part webinar series will show you how to gain valuable insights for your business, solve common marketing dilemmas, and engage your audience all through the power of data visualization.

Hear from Zulily’s analytics team to learn about how they compile their massive amounts of data to create a clear 360 view of the customer. See the custom dashboards the Tableau marketing team has created to showcase social media, campaign, event, and sales performance. Then put on your creative hat to dive into the steps to creating a branded, interactive visualization that tells a story to your customer.

See how Tableau can make your life easier with fast insights and user-friendly design capabilities. All our webinars are free and all levels of Tableau users are welcome.

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