Enabling advocates with data analytics skills, so they can advance their causes and ability to do good.

Guiding, Enabling, Supporting.

  • Guiding you on analyzing data.
  • Enabling you to activate data-driven advocacy.
  • Supporting you to advance your causes.

Data storytelling for successful advocacy and effective, positive social change

Not every community nonprofit sets out to be a data advocate. But whether they’re trying to secure funding for a project or champion a policy change in the halls of power, data can be a powerful force in the conversation. This Data Advocacy Explorer is designed to help community organizations think about their own data journey. From grassroots, community organizations to small and medium-sized nonprofits, all can more effectively incorporate data into their storytelling and advocacy efforts. The Explorer encourages users to utilize best practices for data collection, analysis, and representation.

Stakeholder and Power Mapping

Identify your key stakeholders and pinpoint the analytics that will match their interests.

David C. Turner, III Ph.D. Coalition Manager, Brothers, Sons, Selves explains how to start an advocacy campaign through a landscape analysis and power mapping of key influencers.

Data Discovery

Explore methods for finding data inside your organization and around your community that helps tell your story.

David C. Turner, III discusses data collection through surveys and public data sources.

Analysis for Influence

Tell your data story to inform public conversation and influence decision makers.

David C. Turner, III shares insights on inspecting and cleaning data and how creating visualizations that tell persuasive advocacy stories helps to inform decision-making.

Engagement for Action

Discover tools, tips, and best practices for creating effective data advocacy campaigns.

David C. Turner, III explains how a BSS campaign strategically engaged decision-makers by effectively sharing personal stories alongside data to impact social change.

David Turner - Full Interview

David C. Turner, III Ph.D. shares his advocacy journey story and his work with data to positively impact communities as part of the Brothers, Sons, Selves Coalition. 

Case Study

PolicyLink: Rent Debt in America

Designed to equip policymakers and housing advocates with data on the extent and nature of rent debt in their communities, PolicyLink and its community partners deployed a data advocacy strategy  to inform the local, state, and national advocacy to eliminate debt and prevent mass eviction during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Tools & Training