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Tableau Server 2024.2

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Problemas resueltos

ID del problema Descripción

Aparecen caracteres [nl_NL], [nl_BE] o [ga_IE] inesperados en los libros de trabajo de Tableau Server cuando la configuración regional del sitio o del libro de trabajo está configurada en holandés o irlandés


W-15890957 Al intentar cambiar el filtro de múltiples valores a una sola selección, puede ocurrir el siguiente error y el filtro no se puede cambiar:

La columna [SQLSTATE:42601] """".""__measure__0"" debe aparecer en la cláusula GROUP BY o usarse en una función agregada

Este error también puede ocurrir en Tableau Desktop 2024.1


W-15275189 When loading a view using the Guest account on Tableau Server 2023.3.x requiring requests to tilecache, Tableau Server returns a 500 response for the tilecache requests resulting in the view not being populated and missing image icons being displayed in the browser. This issue occurs on non-Default sites.


W-15200295 Network enabled extensions fail to load when multiple identical URLs exists in the allowlist for a site.


W-14981093 Extract refresh alerts don't show up for Site Administrator.

This also occurs in Tableau Cloud 2023.3.0.

The issue is reproducible in multiple versions of Tableau Server, but the versions are not all confirmed.


W-14981397 Unable to open the custom view due to the following error after changing the custom view owner.

""That page could not be accessed. Either it does not exist, or you do not have the necessary permissions.""


W-14979343 When adding the data story feature to the workbook, the data story is not visible, and the tile throws an error: "Could not write a story because Tableau could not interpret the data."


W-14946999 Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool (RMT) Agent will fail to install if the user-defined Run As User account's password contains a space.


W-14943826 When deploying a coordination service ensemble in Tableau Server 2023.3, unexpected "org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException: The incoming YAML document exceeds the limit" occurs.


W-14890163 When ""Managing Users"" (Specify who can add and remove users) is set to ""Only server administrators"" in ""Settings"" - ""General"" page, Site Administrator should be able to rename groups but not.

In 2023.1 or earlier versions, it works as expected, but in 2023.3, Site Administrator is unable to rename groups because ""Edit Group Details..."", which is newly built in 2023.3, is unavailable:


W-14842364 When a workbook with a timeline animation on a map is published to Tableau Server 2023.1+, the animation does not run after pressing play when using server-side rendering, unless some interaction with the view has occurred first.


W-14783184 Flows with embedded input connections to Presto fail to run on Tableau Server.


W-14750370 When changing the Tableau Repository Configuration from using SSL Certificate Thumbprint to using installed certificate, an error message appears even though the data collection and display still works properly.

If an invalid thumbprint is used, then the test connection fails. If no thumbprint is used, then the test connection succeeds.


W-14648115 Flow with a hyper file input stored in a windows shared directory fails, if it is published from Tableau Prep Builder.


W-14617451 When there is a nested project hierarchy which contains content with permissions that are different than the nested project permissions, and the parent project is set to Locked without nested, and then changed to Customizable, the content permissions within the nested project get overridden by the nested project permissions.

This issue is noted to affect Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server.


W-14614193 After publishing a datasource such as Snowflake or Postgresql from Tableau Desktop to Tableau Cloud/Server with the "Prompt user for password" option, it fails with "Unknown Server Error" after entering the username/password and checking the option "Remember my password until I sign out".


W-14490391 When creating a new workbook using a published data source that has been migrated from one site to another on the same Tableau Server using the Content Migration Tool, a login loop occurs.


W-14442957 After saving a liked task, users can't perform select/deselect output steps in the linked tasks due to being forced to close the dialog.

Uncheck [Output] in the output steps, then the dialog is suddenly closed.


W-14372636 When attempting to create a new Flow using the Google Analytics 4 connector in Tableau Server, the following error may appear:

Your last changes may be lost when the page reloads.


Error: connectionSettings is undefined


W-14346286 Collections are not currently part of the site import/export process, which results in broken collections after performing a site import operation.


W-14302414 When attempting to export a site from Tableau Server, the export may fail with the error

""ERROR: insert or update on table ""user_default_customized_views"" violates foreign key constraint ""user_default_customized_views_customized_view_id_fkey""

This issue appears specifically when a custom view has been saved and the option ""Make it my default"" has been selected for that view. Exporting without this option checked is successful.


W-14258363 During the tsm maintenance restore process, previous data is not completely overwritten.

This results in inconsistent content after adding new sites, projects, and workbooks with the same names as before the restore.

The issue has currently been verified on versions 2022.3.9 and 2023.1.5, but may affect other versions as well.


W-14200391 Run flow job fails with the error ""The Hyper server closed the connection unexpectedly"" because the shadow extract was unloaded by another run flow job.

The issue occurs when the following pre-conditions.

A CSV input data source is used by multiple flows;
The flow has more than one input data source hence the data federation will be used and a shadow extract will be created for the CSV file;
There is more than one flow being kicked off at the same time.


W-12926295 Tableau Prep Conductor Core license can disappear in the ""Settings"" > ""Licenses"" page in 12 hours after a Tableau Server service restart. The TSM web user interface and the TSM licenses list page show the correct license results. There is no functional impact and only a display issue on Tableau Server.

Originally tracked under Tableau TFS1490935


W-12926232 The value of the decimal-type field is changed to integer value after publishing the data source by flows.


W-12903672 Client side rendered visualizations that have a continuous axis may see data source derived formatting or custom formatting ignored or not drawn correctly.

This can include (but is not limited to) formatting for fiscal year information showing the wrong year and other date information listed on an axis.

Originally tracked under Tableau issue TFS 1472027"


W-12865859 The date axis scale shows a different date after publishing to Tableau Server when using server rendering mode and the range of dates is set to a period of two days.

Originally tracked under Tableau TFS 1478663.


W-14540014 On Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud, running a flow that appends a large amount of data to a table fails with the following error:

""System error: Read timed out An internal error occurred. Contact your administrator.""

The data does actually append after a varying amount of time, however, due to the error the flow job will eventually be suspended.


W-14673398 Después de actualizar TS v2021.1.4 a TS v2022.3.8, no todos los flujos contienen hipervínculos en sus pasos de salida a pesar de que la fuente de datos publicada existe y puede buscarse por medio de la exploración en la interfaz de usuario.


W-14750937 Las actualizaciones de extracciones producen un error en la página de tareas en Tableau Cloud. Por otra parte, la actualización de la extracción en sí se realiza con éxito (en los datos).

Sin embargo, dado que la actualización de la extracción "produce un error" continuamente de esta manera, el programa entra en estado de suspensión debido a los errores repetidos.

Se observa el mismo problema de actualización de extracción con la versión 2023.3.x de Tableau Server.


W-14642579 En Tableau Server 2021.4.0 y versiones posteriores, el siguiente comando tsm puede fallar cuando se usa:

tsm maintenance validate-resources --site-id

Se muestra el siguiente mensaje de error:

Este trabajo falló debido a un error inesperado: El usuario 0 de “NullPointerException” no es un administrador del sistema. (errorCode=1)

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Lun, 01 Julio, 2024

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