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Tableau Server Management Add-on 2020.4

Recomendamos utilizar la versión de mantenimiento más reciente, que incorpora correcciones de errores adicionales.

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Problemas resueltos

ID del problema Descripción

When an external service was being leveraged on Tableau Server, the Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool could show "unknown" as the status for the Tableau Server Processes.


When the Resource Monitoring Tool agent cannot read a Tableau Server log folder due to permissions, the agent would stop processing all log information. Agents will now continue to process information from logs that do not have permissions issues.


In some circumstances, when the SMTP host value was set and saved in the Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool, the user interface would change the value listed to 'undefined'. This did not affect the underlying configuration but was an issue in the UI.

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Número de compilación

20204.20.1019.0546, CMT 2040.4-1.1.110

Fecha de lanzamiento

Lun, 14 Diciembre, 2020

Soporte de producto