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Level Up Your Group Reporting with the New Starter Kit from Tableau

Group reporting provides timely information on enrollment changes, utilization trends and cost drivers and is a key component of proactive employer health plan management. It is also a critical for recruiting, retaining and building strong relationships with broker partners. Tableau offers a payer group reporting option and a new Group Reporting Starter Kit is available to customers. In this webinar, we’ll review:

  • Tableau group reporting use case
  • The new Group Reporting Starter Kit
  • Ease of use customizable templates
  • The data necessary for reporting
  • Employer and broker end-user deployment options

Join this session to fast track your group reporting capabilities to improve health plan management and broker alignment.

Afterwards, check out our Group Reporting Starter Kit, to get started with secure, self-service group reporting.

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Chris Metcalf headshot

Chris Metcalf

Lead Solution Engineer

Chris Metcalf is a Lead Solution Engineer for Tableau Software, a Salesforce company. He provides product and solution support for the Healthcare Payer & Provider market. Chris has more than 25 years of healthcare and health technology experience. Before joining Tableau, Chris was the Product Manager for Health Insights and Analytics at Benefitfocus. He previously served as a Senior Solution Engineer supporting a national salesforce selling Health Insights and Analytics products and services. Chris has served on industry boards of directors and been a speaker/presenter at many health and benefits conferences, seminars, and webinars. Chris holds a Master’s Degree in Healthcare Administration from Oklahoma State University and a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Tulsa. He writes spy novels and screenplays in his spare time. He and his wife Diana live in Colorado and have five adult children.

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