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Creating a Connected High Tech Business with Centralised Analytics

The High Tech industry is rapidly changing, driven by evolving customer demands, M&A activity and the explosion of data, both operational and IoT.

Companies succeeding in this new era demonstrate the ability to adapt quickly, transform their operating models to meet changing customer demands and augment their people’s decision making with AI & ML.

How do you go about breaking down the data siloes that exist in your business to create an agile high tech organisation and enable the rapid decision making needed to succeed?

Join us as we demonstrate why centralised analytics is the answer.

About the speakers


Peter Morcos

Account Executive

Peter is Account Executive for Tableau's High Tech customers, helping them to build data driven organisations and deliver business value through the power of data.


Ben Miller

Solution Engineer

Ben is Solution Engineer for Tableau's High Tech customers, responsible for helping them to get started with Tableau and derive business value from their data.

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