Tableau Live Asia Pacific

Watch our best sessions for free.

Data enthusiasts from around the globe attended Tableau Live, to hear the latest on how data can drive better outcomes. If you missed out, you can watch the crowd’s favorite sessions free, on demand.

What's New in Tableau: 2021.1 Release Highlights

Olivia Nix
April Doud
New features and improvements are here in Tableau 2021.1! Join this session as we walk through some of the new features and learn how to get started today. Everything from quick LODs, to Tableau prep and much more were created so you could spend less time prepping and more time exploring, analyzing and acting on your data.

Data Innovation: Where Data and Analytics are Headed

Kayla Matheson
If your goal is to be a data-driven organization, the right data and analytics technology matters. Explore innovations and technology advances that have the power to transform how people across your organization approach and engage with data.

Grow your Career as an Advocate for Data Literacy & Analytics within your Organization

Nina Nguyen
As data touches every aspect of our lives, the need for data literacy has never been greater. Despite that, not all organizations are promoting data literacy, and need help convincing others of the value of a data culture. This session explores what it means to be data literate and how to leverage data skills to advocate for an analytics-driven organization.

What is Tableau Business Science?

Roger Schmitt
April Doud
At Tableau, analysis has always been about people exploring, asking questions or testing a hypothesis. In this session learn how the introduction of Business Science empowers analysts and business users to understand the context of their data further by employing explainable, self-service machine learning models. Make faster, more confident decisions across your business, while expanding analytics use cases and deepening understanding of business critical data with Einstein Discovery in Tableau.

Aligning Analytics Initiatives with Business Objectives

Kenneth Baltazar
In a world experiencing rapid market change, the organizations that align analytics initiatives with business objectives have a distinct advantage. Learn how to overcome the most common challenges when shifting to a data-driven decision making model and hear how organizations have successfully scaled analytics across departments and teams.

Data Beyond Dashboards: Using the Entire Tableau Platform

Stephen Street
We’ve all done it at one time or another. We’ve purchased something thinking it only did a few things, then discovered down the road that it did way more than we knew. In this session, we’ll talk about what Tableau is beyond the dashboard to help illuminate the possibilities of this end-to-end solution.

Supercharge your Analytics with Tableau Data Management

Prashant Keshri
We continue to see an explosion of data AND people who need access to it to make decisions. As a result, it can be hard to make sense of the data – know where it came from, who uses it, understand how it’s been prepared or last updated, etc. Tableau Data Management helps – instill confidence, build trust, and increase efficiencies whether in IT or the business. Learn how Tableau approaches data management and see it in action to build a stronger data culture and up-level your analytics.

Building a Data Culture to Propel Faster Decision Making

Sagar Kapoor
Despite trillions of dollars invested in data and analytics in recent years, leaders are still struggling to shift the way their organizations think about and act on data. Discover Tableau’s proven methodology for building core capabilities and repeatable processes that enable everyone to make faster, data-driven decisions.

AI & the Analyst: Amplify your Data Skills with New Capabilities and Tableau Business Science

Minji Kim
Ceilings were meant to be broken and with Tableau’s newest developments in AI you’ll answer questions that had previously seemed out of reach. This session gives an overview of how Tableau’s newest category and offerings can boost your capabilities, your company, and your career.

Keynote featuring Tableau Executives and Tableau Customer Bentley Motors

Stephanie Richardson
Francois Ajenstat
April Doud
Andy Moore
Rob Savin
Tune in to hear Tableau Live executive keynote presentations: Tableau's Chief Product Officer, Francois Ajenstat, will talk about our vision for the future of analytics. Then Tableau's VP of Community, Stephanie Richardson, sits down with Bentley Motors to discuss why a data culture is so vital to an organization's data transformation.

Imperative data skills that drive digital transformation in FSI

Prashant Dutta
Rohit Pandharkar
Budiman Rusly Djohari
COVID19 has accelerated digital transformation within FSI, removing traditional barriers and increasing the demand for digitization of services. Adaptability and speed backed by data now plays an even more critical role for the industry. What are some of the areas of change and focus for organizations today? What are the new data skill sets that the industry needs to acquire to help them adapt to this new world? Join us for a panel discussion with Mahindra Finance and Sequis Life to find out.

Viz Glow Up

Nisa Zainal
Fiona Gordon
Sarah Burnett
Are you tired of trying to help people understand your dashboards? Or want to make your dashboards more user friendly? Then join our Tableau Ambassadors, Fiona Gordon and Sarah Burnett with Tableau host Nisa Zainal, in this hilarious Viz Glow Up where they will be sharing the do’s and don’ts in vizzing best practices. Lets transform this Tab-Low into a Tab-Glow!

The Secret of Data Culture: Invest in People

Robert Curtis
Kate Penglase
Empowering self-service analytics should be the goal of every organisation. Achieving this though can be quite difficult, because its not just about the technology. It’s a change in culture. Join Robert Curtis (InterWorks) and Kate Penglase (MYOB) as they discuss the secrets of building a data culture to drive transformation change in an organisation.


Smuth Thanadsarng
Arpaporn Wuddhikullaphak
Yongjua Laosiritaworn
Fred Roteseree
Kajohnsak Thiawsawang
ในหัวข้อการสนทนาเรื่องข้อมูล ขอเชิญร่วมรับฟังจากลูกค้าในประเทศไทยของเราเรื่องความสำคัญในการใช้ข้อมูลเพื่อนำไปสู่ ดิจิตัล ทรานฟอร์มเมชั่นภายในองค์กร และศึกษาถึงความท้าทายทางด้านกระบวนการและเครื่องมือชี้วัดภายในองคืกรที่จะต้องเผชิญและวิธีการในการที่ก้าวข้ามผ่านไปได้

Thailand Data Stories: Surviving the Pandemic & Going Beyond

In this Data Discussion, join us as we discuss with our customers from Thailand the importance of data in leading digital transformation within organizations. Learn some of the challenges they faced during the process and measures they took to overcome them.

Tableau 와 함께 데이터 리더가 되는 방법

Jung-Mi Kim
Hyeni Jeon
Junhee Cho
Youngsun Lee
데이터 중심 조직이 되려면 회사의 정체성뿐 아니라 개인의 역량 강화도 포함 해야 합니다.
이러한 문화 변화는 회사의 데이터 여정에서 어렵지만 가장 중요한 부분입니다.
나이키 코리아/ 조준희 매니저, 카카오/전현이 매니저, 국민은행/이영선 대리님 세분과 함께
회사는 데이터 문화를 나는 데이터 리더로 되는 방법과 노하우에 대해 같이 알아봅니다.

Become a Data Leader with the Power of Tableau

Becoming a truly data-driven organization requires not only embedding data into the identity of your company but also developing your individual empowerment. This cultural transformation is one of the hardest, but most important part of a company’s data journey. Learn how to build data culture and become data leader with the power of Tableau.

Kisah Sukses dari Indonesia Dalam Berinovasi di Masa Krisis

Suhendra Tandera
I Gede Kukuh Adi Perdana
Yanto Yulianto
Ivan Wibowo Hudyana
Bergabunglah dengan kami bersama panel lain untuk membahas tentang bagaimana data memainkan peran penting bagi organisasi mereka dalam mengubah bisnis dan membantu mereka berinovasi di tengah masa-masa sulit. Simak dari para pemimpin ini bagaimana mereka mengambil strategi dari ide hingga implementasi dan bagaimana organisasi lain dapat melakukan hal yang sama.

Indonesia Data Stories: Innovating in Challenging Times

Join us in this session as we discuss with our customers how data is playing a crucial part in their organisation on transforming the business and helping them innovate despite the difficult times. Hear from these thought leaders how they took strategies from ideation to implementation and how other organisations can do the same.

Exploring the Future of Analytics in a Data Landscape

Brad Hill
Charlie Tjandra
According to Gartner, analytics and AI are game-changing technologies that have emerged from the COVID-19 crisis. Data leaders are faced with new challenges, including the ability to leverage data and predictive modeling for impactful insights and democratizing data to empower more users to data-driven decisions. Join Brad Hill and Charlie Tjandra to understand the issues and how these data-forward organizations are gaining competitive advantage with business science.

Data + Diversity: Tableau and the Neurodivergent Community

Hunter Hansen
Adam Mico
Tableau Community members Adam Mico and Hunter Hansen discuss their autistic experiences in the context of Tableau and the broader data community. They explore their approach to community engagement and how Tableau appeals to neurodivergent users.

Creating a Data Driven Culture to Drive Exceptional Performance

Atul Vaidya
Piyush Kapadia
Data-driven culture remains elusive for many organizations. Injecting data into the decision-making process requires a shift in mindset. And sustaining the change in culture with data at its core is even harder. Join Atul Vaidya (CRG Solutions) and Piyush Kapadia (TechNova Imaging Systems) as they discuss the key areas of how manufacturing organizations can create a data-driven culture to drive exceptional performance in their industry.

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