How to Analyze Diverse Marketing Data

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Download this guide to learn how you can combine marketing data from different sources with just a click.

How do you analyze data from multiple sources to get the full picture of what is going on? What insights are you missing because you're only looking at the same set of single dimension data?

We all know adding additional dimensionality to your data, such as purchase history, customer profile information, search behavior and campaign data, will help you analyze your marketing efforts in greater detail, but how do you do that easily?

Download this guide to learn how you can combine data from different sources with just a click.

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With Tableau, I can pull in my mobile data; I can pull in my Google Analytics data. I can pull in my social data. I can pull in my Salesforce and CRM data and see that 360° view of the prospect and the customer.

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Tableau ayuda a las personas a transformar los datos en información útil. Explore con análisis visuales ilimitados. Diseñe dashboards y haga análisis ad hoc con unos pocos clics. Comparta su trabajo con quien quiera y genere un impacto positivo en su empresa. Multinacionales, empresas pequeñas y emergentes... Todo el mundo usa Tableau para ver y comprender sus datos.

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