How to Build Dashboards that Persuade, Inform, and Engage

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See how to build great dashboards in this 60 minute webinar in partnership with Data Science Central.

Do your dashboards tell the story you want to get across or does your data get lost in a sea of pixels? Tableau strives to keep our users in the flow with software centered on principles of design, cognition, and perception. The same principles apply to great dashboards.

Watch this webinar to learn specific actions you can take with all of your dashboards to make them more informative, compelling, and effective, including:

  • What gets in the way of flow?
  • What story are you telling?
  • Encourage critiquing
  • The one minute checklist
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Una visualización bien elaborada y meditada tiene verdadero impacto. Eso no se logra con una hoja de cálculo.

Acerca de Tableau

Tableau ayuda a las personas a transformar los datos en información útil. Explore con análisis visuales ilimitados. Diseñe dashboards y haga análisis ad hoc con unos pocos clics. Comparta su trabajo con quien quiera y genere un impacto positivo en su empresa. Multinacionales, empresas pequeñas y emergentes... Todo el mundo usa Tableau para ver y comprender sus datos.

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